Naruma —
A Home that Becomes You

Naruma has its roots in ‘naru’ なる, which means become in Japanese, and ‘rumah’, the Malay word for home. A trio of five-bedroom detached houses bounded together by a timeless, crafted quality, each distinguished by its own unique assortment of living spaces.
The website created for Naruma intends to assist potential customers the same way how a residential brochure would. Method Media begins by incorporating a full-bleed navigation across a minimal layout. The layout comprises the tiling of elements throughout the website, resulting in an elegant marriage of images and text that promises a pleasant website user experience.
Lighthouse Developments
Our Role
- Website Design
- Visual Identity
- Art Direction
- Print Design
- Web Development

Authenticity is key when designing both print and digital works for Naruma.

Method crafted layouts that are not merely simple, they reflect the abode’s tranquility within a coveted privacy.